From the publisher:
Islamo-Fascist terrorism presents a very real and grave danger to Western culture in general, and to families of the United States in particular. Terrorist groups like al-Qaeda are actively attempting to acquire weapons of mass destruction (WMD), including biological, chemical, and nuclear devices. It is only a matter of time before these weapons (or widespread conventional attacks through suicide bombings), are used to attack the American homeland once again.
The consequences of a WMD attack on U.S. soil are catastrophic: in addition to the many thousands (or tens or hundreds of thousands) that will die, many more will be injured and displaced from their homes. A large-scale attack has the possibility of crippling our economy and changing forever our way of life. The aftermath of such an attack would overwhelm the ability of federal and state authorities to respond effectively in a timely fashion. As Hurricane Katrina aptly demonstrated, government at all levels is woefully unable to coordinate relief efforts in the aftermath of widespread disasters-even though, as with Katrina, we had days of advance warning. There will be no advance warning when al-Qaeda strikes us again.
In Surviving the Unthinkable: What Your Family Needs to Know (and Do) to Survive a Terrorist Attack, Nicholas Maniatis explains what everyone needs to know and do to prepare for and survive the next terrorist attack. Maniatis, a former Acting Deputy-Assistant Federal Security Director with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, draws upon his expertise and experience and sets forth in a clear and easy-to-understand format the steps families must take now to prepare adequately for the future. Maniatis devotes separate chapters to each of the different types of WMD terrorists might use on the U.S., as well as conventional weapons, and describes what these attacks will probably look like. Finally, he offers a no-bones-about-it description of who the enemy is, how and why they live among us even now, why they want to kill us, and what we need to do as a people to help defeat the worldwide threat of Islamo-facism.
Surviving the Unthinkable: What Your Family Needs to Know (and Do) to Survive a Terrorist Attack is based upon numerous government and scholarly sources, reports, and personal experience. No American family can afford to leave this book unread. Are you prepared?
About the Author: Nicholas Maniatis is a fourteen-year veteran of the U.S. Army and a former Acting Deputy-Assistant Federal Security Director with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. As an officer in the United States Army, Captain Maniatis has actively served in the War on Terror, including a tour in Iraq. He is a graduate of Valley Forge Military Academy and College and Towson University. He lives with his wife and children in Baltimore, Maryland.
From LWBN:
The exact day of release for this May title is unknown.