From the publisher:
What is a Hero? New York Times best-selling author Oliver North says, “Real heroes are selfless. Those who serve America in harm’s way in the war against radical Islam have that quality in abundance. And so do their families and loved ones at home. Yet, they rarely get the attention or coverage they deserve."
“Despite the way they are presented by too many in the press and politics, the men and women in uniform today are overwhelmingly good. I never cease to be amazed at the self-discipline of these brave young Americans. They can endure the adrenaline-pumping violence of an enemy engagement, and then, just minutes later, help school children get safely to their classes . . . No nation—ours included—has ever had a military force better than the one we have today. I’m proud of them. You should be too.”
In American Heroes, North addresses issues of defense against global terrorism, Jihad, and radical Islam from his firsthand perspective as a decorated military officer and national security advisor and current Middle East war correspondent. This patriotic book also pulls in new reports and exclusive full-color photographs from War Stories, the award-winning FOX News Channel series hosted by North.
Ambitious in scope, American Heroes details the earliest terrorism faced by the United States in the 1800s at the hands of the Barbary Pirates, the major terrorist group developments of the 1970s and 80s, and, most vividly, the post-9/11 Iraq War era. Most inspiringly, North’s up-close field notes highlight the core values of today’s American soldier in relation to the fight at hand: courage, commitment, compassion, and faith.
Thank God for freedom. Thank God for American heroes.
"Oliver North has spent his life among America’s heroes. This book with its moving words and powerful images will inspire patriots, reassure the faint of heart, and infuriate our nation’s adversaries. These are our heroes, they deserve to have their story told, and no one is better to tell it than Col. North, because when it comes to heroes, it takes one to know one. This book is a treasure." - Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House of Representatives and New York Times bestselling author of Real Change