From the publisher:
Top Ten Global Justice Law Review Articles 2007 is a thorough and accessible review of the most salient, the most controversial, and the most illuminating essays on security law in the previous calendar year. In this edition, Professor Amos Guiora presents the ten most vital and pertinent law review articles from 2007 written by both scholars who have already gained international prominence as experts in security law as well as emerging voices in the security-law debate. These articles deal with issues of terrorism, security law, and the preservation of civil liberties in the post-9/11 world. The chosen selections derive not just from the high quality and expertise of the articles' authors, but equally from the wide diversity of legal issues addressed by those authors. Guiora combines the expertise of scholars from such accredited institutions as Harvard, Stanford, the U.S Military Academy and the U.S. Department of Defense to provide a valuable resource for scholars and experts researching this important subject area.
This annual review provides researchers with more than just an authoritative discussion on the most prominent security debates of the day; it also educates researchers on new issues that have received far too little attention in the press and in academia. These expert scholars and leaders tackle and give voice to these issues that range from cyberterror to detention of suspected terrorists to France's tightening of its civil liberties policy to new restrictions on religious philanthropy and beyond. Together, the vast knowledge and independent viewpoints represented by these ten authors make this volume, of what will be an annual review within the Terrorism, 2nd Series, a valuable resource for individuals new to the realm of security law and for advanced researchers with a sophisticated understanding of the field. Top Ten Global Justice Law Review Articles 2007 serves as a one-stop guidebook on how both the U.S. and the world generally are currently waging the war on terror.
Amos N. Guiora is a professor of law at The S. J. Quinney College of Law, University of Utah where he teaches Criminal Law, Global Perspectives on Counter-terrorism, Religion and Terrorism and National Security Law. In addition, Guiora incorporates innovative scenario-based instruction to address national and international security issues. At the S.J. Quinney College of Law, Guiora, in collaboration with other leading experts at that school, helps lead the school's efforts to provide cutting-edge research, innovative training, and public service initiatives in the prevention and mitigation of global conflict. Professor Guiora has also served in the Judge Advocate General's Corps of the Israel Defense Forces as a Lieutenant Colonel. His senior command postings in the IDF were Commandant of the IDF School of Military Law, Judge Advocate of the Navy and Home Front Command, and Legal Advisor to the IDF's Gaza Strip operations. He brings immense practical experience in combating terrorism to his work on Top Ten Global Justice Law Review Articles.